Thoughts on Sairaanhoitajapäivät
I participated for Sairaanhoitajapäivät on Friday 22.9. at the exhibition center in Helsinki. I attended a couple of lectures, and I would like to share a few things that piqued my intrest.
The “Why does a nurse need emotional intelligence skills” lecture opened emotional intelligence skills as a concept, as well as how everyone could use and develop them.
- Emotional intelligence skills play a big role in nurse’s ability to cope.
- People have needs behind their feelings. Everyone has a need to be met, seen, understood and heard.
- There are usually several feelings at the same time. The patient may appear angry, but the feeling behind the anger could also be fear. It is important to recognize the primary feeling so that it is seen and the patient feels understood. Understanding the situation is necessary to recognize the feeling.
- Learn to process and let go of difficult emotions before the next patient encounter. Words can often be forgotten, emotional states are remembered. You have to go through your feelings at some point.
- Strengthening emotional skills requires courage and exposing yourself to difficult emotions.
- High-quality treatment and patient encounters require an emotional encounter. The patient brings ignored feelings to the next healthcare appointment.
Sopo and Kopo
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