PIRATE ry wants to organize a casual hangout and thank everyone who has donated blood under PIRATE ry’s BloodGroup. You are welcomed to come and play boardgames and get to know to new people. PIRATE offers some snacks during the evening. You can also join the evening if you haven’t donated blood and want to hangout in a great company.
WHEN? Tuesday 14th of November at 17:30-21:00. Registration at Kide.App!
WHERE? Parvi B5-26, TAMK
WHO CAN ATTEND? PIRATE’s members. You can also bring a friend!
All the PIRATEs events are free of harrassment. If you notice harrassment, feel pressured or other inappropriate behavior, you should contact PIRATEs harrassment contact persons hairinta.riku(at)piratery.fi & hairinta.mila(at)piratery.fi or Tamko’s harrasment contact persons hairintayhdyshenkilot(at)tamko.fi