PIRATE and TTO are organising a small-scale badminton tournament on Wednesday 8.11. The tournament will take place at the SportUni Kauppi gymhall at 19-21. The tournament will be played as a foursome, 2 against 2. You can register for the tournament in pairs or alone. If you sign up alone, we will find you a pair on the spot. Pools will be made according to the number of participants and there will be a small prize for the winners.
Note: You do not need to be a SportUni member to participate, so it is free! Tell the desk employee that you are coming to PIRATE and TTO badminton! You can bring your own badminton racket or rent one from SportUni. We have a few rackets to loan but not enough for all.
WHAT: PIRATE and TTO badminton tournament
WHAT: PIRATE’s and TTO’s badminton tournament
WHERE: At SportUni Kauppi gymhall
WHEN: 8.11. at 19-21
HOW: Sign up at Kide.App