Regular Autumn Meeting of PIRATE ry, the student organization for health care students at Tampere University of Applied Sciences
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October 7, 2024, at 17.30 in TAMK Auditorium G00-10
During the autumn meeting, the board for PIRATE ry for the year 2025 will be elected, the budget and action plan for 2025 will be reviewed, and the organization’s rules will be examined.
All members of PIRATE ry are welcome to the meeting, and each regular member who has paid their membership fee has the right to vote. Supporting and honorary members have the right to attend and speak at the meeting. Attendance and speaking rights may also be granted to representatives/observers from stakeholder groups upon request.
The agenda for the autumn meeting will be posted on the organization’s notice board next to TAMK Auditorium D1-02 for at least seven (7) days before the meeting.
Every member of the student organization has the right to propose initiatives at both the student organization’s and the board’s meetings. Initiatives for the student organization’s meetings should be addressed to the chair of the board. The initiative will be discussed at the next possible student organization meeting. Initiatives for the student organization’s meetings must be submitted in writing at least fourteen (14) days before the meeting.