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These rules were confirmed at the association’s meeting in 05/2024.

§ 1 Name, Domicile, and Language of the Student Association

The name of the student association is Tampere University of Applied Sciences Health Students – PIRATE ry, and its domicile is Tampere. The language of the student association is Finnish.

§ 2 Purpose

The purpose of the student association is to:

  • Promote the general and common interests of its members, and to cooperate with the Student Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences to further these interests.
  • Act as a link and information intermediary between its members and other student organizations.
  • Promote the intellectual, professional, social, and physical interests of its members.

§ 3 Nature of Activities

To achieve its purpose, the student association may:

  • Organize meetings, information and training sessions, social events, and competitions.
  • Engage in publishing activities and provide study materials to its members.
  • Maintain various unregistered clubs and hobby circles.

To support its activities, the association:

  • May own necessary fixed and movable property related to its activities.
  • May charge membership fees from its members.
  • May accept donations and bequests.
  • May maintain office and copying services, book distribution activities, and sell food products.
  • May organize various events.
  • May organize fundraising, lotteries, and similar activities upon receiving the appropriate permit.

§ 4 Members of the Student Association

Students enrolled in the Health Programs at Tampere University of Applied Sciences can join the student association as regular members. Memberships are approved and, if necessary, revoked by the board. The board may also, with justification, propose to the association’s meeting that some member benefits be granted to others than regular members.

A member who has not fulfilled their membership obligations or who is no longer a full-time student in the health programs may be expelled from the association by the board. A board member may resign by announcing it at the association’s meeting or by notifying the board.

Individuals and legally competent entities that wish to support the association’s activities may join as supporting members. Supporting members can participate in events where a price for supporting members is defined. Supporting memberships are approved and, if necessary, revoked by the board.

The student association may appoint as an honorary member a person who has significantly promoted the activities of the association. Honorary membership is granted by the board’s unanimous decision. However, an honorary member can be expelled by a majority decision at a regular meeting.

§ 5 Membership Fee of the Student Association

The student association has the right to determine a membership fee for regular members and supporting members at the autumn meeting. No membership fee is charged from honorary members.

The association’s meeting decides on the method and timing of the membership fee collection.

§ 6 Organization of the Student Association

The decision-making power of the student association is exercised by the association’s meeting.

The administrative and executive power of the student association is exercised by the board. The board is responsible for leading the association’s activities, managing its administration, and ensuring compliance with applicable regulations.

The autumn meeting elects the chairperson of the board, the vice-chairperson, and three to twelve (3-12) board members. The term of office for the board is the calendar year.

The board may be supplemented as needed at an extraordinary meeting of the student association.

§ 7 Convening of Meetings

The student association holds two regular meetings annually, one in the spring and one in the autumn.

The spring meeting is held by the end of April, and the autumn meeting by the end of October on a date determined by the board.

An extraordinary meeting of the student association is held when decided by the association’s meeting, when deemed necessary by the board, or when at least one-tenth (1/10) of the association’s voting members demand it in writing from the board for a specifically announced matter. The association’s meeting must be held within 21 days after the demand has been presented to the board.

The association meeting must be announced on the association’s notice board at least 14 days before the meeting, and the matters to be discussed at the meeting must be announced at least seven (7) days before the meeting.

The organizational meeting of the board is held no later than two weeks before the start of the term. The invitation to the organizational meeting must be sent by email or another method chosen by the association’s meeting to all elected board members at least one (1) day before the meeting. The board decides on its method of convening at its organizational meeting.

The board meeting is convened by the chairperson or, in their absence, the vice-chairperson. The board meeting must be announced in a manner determined by the board at least three (3) days before the meeting. The chairperson must also convene a board meeting when requested by one-third (1/3) of the board members. If the notice is given later, the chairperson must personally notify each board member of the meeting.

The board is legally and decision-making capable when it has been properly convened and at least the chairperson or vice-chairperson and half (1/2) of the board members are present.

§ 8 Right of Initiative

Every member of the student association has the right to make initiatives at the association’s and board’s meetings. Initiatives for the association’s meetings should be addressed to the chairperson of the board. The initiative will be handled at the next possible association meeting. Initiatives for the association’s meetings must be submitted in writing ten (10) days before the association meeting. Initiatives to the board should be addressed to a board member in writing. The initiative will be handled at the next possible board meeting. Initiatives for the board meeting must be submitted at least seven (7) days before the board meeting.

The first signatory of an initiative has the opportunity to be heard at the association’s and board’s meetings. The decision made must be communicated to the first signatory of the initiative within thirty (30) days.

§ 9 Decision-Making

Every regular member who has paid the membership fee has the right to vote at the association’s meetings. Supporting and honorary members have the right to attend and speak at the meetings. The right to attend and speak may also be granted upon request to representatives/observers of stakeholders.

Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes. In the event of a tie, a lot will be drawn. Voting must be conducted by secret ballot if requested by two (2) voting participants of the meeting. Elections are always conducted by secret ballot.

§ 10 Spring Meeting of the Student Association

The spring meeting is legal and decision-making capable when it has been properly convened and at least four (4) people are present.

  • The meeting chairperson, secretary, two (2) minute-checkers, and two (2) vote counters are elected.
  • The legality and quorum of the meeting are confirmed.
  • The agenda for the meeting is approved as the order of business.
  • The previous year’s activity report of the subject association is discussed.
  • The previous year’s financial statement, auditors’ report, and approval of the financial statement are discussed.
  • A decision is made on granting discharge to the board and other account and liability holders for the financial year in question.
  • Initiatives and the board’s statements on them are discussed.
  • Other matters mentioned in the meeting notice are discussed.

§ 11 Autumn Meeting of the Student Association

The autumn meeting is legal and decision-making capable when it has been properly convened and at least four (4) people are present.

  • The meeting chairperson, secretary, two (2) minute-checkers, and two (2) vote counters are elected.
  • The legality and quorum of the meeting are confirmed.
  • The agenda for the meeting is approved as the order of business.
  • The action plan for the following year is decided.
  • The budget for the following year is decided.
  • The amount of membership fees and supporting membership fees for the following year is decided.
  • An auditor and a personal deputy are elected.
  • The chairperson, vice-chairperson, and three to twelve (3-12) board members of the student association are elected. The chairperson, vice-chairperson, and board members must be over eighteen (18) years of age at the beginning of the board term.
  • Initiatives and the board’s statements on them are discussed.
  • Other matters mentioned in the meeting notice are discussed.

§ 12 Election of the Board

Only a person who is a regular member of the student association at the time of election can be elected to the board. In cases where the autumn meeting does not get 12 board members in addition to the chairperson and vice-chairperson, the supplementary search allows applications from those members who are no longer regular members at the start of the board term. At the time of selection, in all cases, the applicant must be a regular member of the student association.

In the chairperson’s election, if there is more than one (1) candidate, the chairperson of the association is chosen by secret ballot, in which each present eligible voter has one (1) vote, which must be used personally.

If the voting result in a secret ballot is tied, a lot will be drawn among those who received the same voting result.

In the vice-chairperson’s election, the same procedure as in the chairperson’s election is followed.

If, in the board members’ election, there are more candidates than seats for the last positions, and more than two candidates have the same number of votes, a second round of voting will be held among these candidates. If all the candidates have the same number of votes, the matter will be resolved by lot.

§ 13 Duties of the Board

  • Lead the student association’s activities according to the law, the association’s rules and regulations, and the decisions of the association’s meetings.
  • Supervise the interests of its members.
  • Convene the association’s meetings.
  • Represent the members of the student association and act as their contact person in relation to the Student Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
  • Form task-specific committees and working groups and appoint their members and supervisors.
  • Prepare a report on the activities of the student association for the association’s spring meeting and an action plan and budget for the autumn meeting.
  • Maintain a list of the association’s members.
  • Manage the association’s finances.
  • Manage other matters related to the association’s operation.

§ 14 Signatories

The name of the student association shall be signed by the chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, or treasurer, two (2) together.

§ 15 Financial Year

The financial year of the student association is the calendar year. The financial statement must be submitted to the auditor at least four (4) weeks before the spring meeting. The auditor must submit their report to the board at least two (2) weeks before the spring meeting.

§ 16 Amendment of the Rules

Decisions on amending the rules shall be made at a meeting of the student association by a three-quarters (3/4) majority of the votes cast. Amendments to the rules must be mentioned in the meeting notice. To become effective, the decision must be approved again at a meeting of the student association held no earlier than fourteen (14) days later, by a three-quarters (3/4) majority of the votes cast.

§ 17 Dissolution of the Student Association

Decisions on dissolving the student association shall be made at a meeting of the student association by a three-quarters (3/4) majority of the votes cast. Dissolution of the student association must be mentioned in the meeting notice. To become effective, the decision must be approved again at a meeting of the student association held no earlier than fourteen (14) days later, by a three-quarters (3/4) majority of the votes cast.

Upon the dissolution of the student association, its assets shall be donated to a legally competent entity to be used as a scholarship fund that supports the purposes of the association.